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Should I Buy That? If You Take This Advice, I Guarantee You'll Be More Stylish Without Making One More Purchase

Tina, here.


Don't walk into your favorite boutique or buy one more thing online until you read this.

I. Don't Fall For The Lies

Ok so real talk. How many times a week do you stare into your closet, giving the side eye to those six pairs of jeans, five white tees, some belts you never wear and that tangle of necklaces you keep meaning to tackle one rainy Saturday? You've got drinks with friends or a meeting at your child's school, so you grab your skinny jeans and a cute top, look in the mirror, and just feel...meh.

This post is the first installment of a series, "Should I Buy That? A Capsule Wardrobe That Will Change Your Life."  Early Access Insiders have already been enjoying the entire series, plus an exclusive new video of me sharing 3 of my favorite style tips. If you'd like access to members-only posts, plus our videos and Style Guides, join our free trial today! 


Or how about this scenario: you've had your morning coffee while scrolling your insta feed (btw, are you following me on instagram?), you check your bank account, and head off to a cute boutique or scour the web for that little dress you just saw about 3 times in your feed. You find the dress, and believe it will change your life. It will give you that feeling of being thin, tan and on vacation every time you wear it. And maybe you do wear it a few times. But when the next summer rolls around, you're back to being frustrated with your wardrobe, feel like you have nothing to wear, and start the whole process over again, believing you are just one more dress, or pair of jeans, or handbag, or ...,  closer to the Perfect Wardrobe. To being your most stylish self.

But this is a lie.

I get it. I used to $25-dollar my life away, grabbing the next cute top or pair of sandals or whatever it was, and thinking, "I'm this much closer to feeling kinda chic," but then I'd get ready to go somewhere, I'd stare into my jam-packed closet and never know what to wear. So I'd go shop some more. Typical 1st-world "problem." If you're like I used to be, you're frustrated with this pointless cycle.

It's not your fault!

Think about it. If all the retailers, subscription boxes, the ads on our computer screens, the style bloggers and insta feeds we follow are designed to sell us something and make us believe we are one purchase away from having the perfect wardrobe, then why wouldn't we feel this way? They pretty much all want us to believe we need to buy the next xyz to stay current and look good.

I have good news for you, my friends!

II. The Good News

Great style isn't something you buy. In fact, you may not need to buy one more fabulous handbag or perfect pair of jeans to be your most stylish self (unless of course you're wearing the wrong jeans for your shape - don't worry I have a guide for that, too!). The secret to having great style may already be in your closet.


The secret to dressing well is not about what you buy, but how you wear what you have.


Great style is something you learn, not buy, and I can show you how to have great style, every single day.

You can walk into your closet, pull out the right pieces, and style them so you look and feel fabulously chic every time you get dressed. Without taking a lot of time doing it. And without spending more money. I've had ten + years working with women like you and me who are frustrated with the endless cycle of buying more but not knowing how to wear it. Let's be real. We just want to look and feel great without wasting time, buying the wrong things. Over and over my clients tell me the best thing I do for them is show them how to wear what they have in fresh, new ways. I'm not selling, so I don't need to push anyone to buy clothes they don't need or will look ridiculous on them. I'm teaching you how to love and wear what you have, and only buy what you need. And if you do need something, you can shop my suggestions right from my Tina-approved looks! (See why I wear the same pieces on the blog time after time, refreshing them with a new piece here and there? I shop my closet, too!)

III. The Solution: 1.) Style The Clothes You Have In Fresh, New Ways; 2.) Shop Smart For Your Age, Shape & Style

To show you a bit more what I'm talking about here, I've pulled together what is my take on the 5 Piece French Wardrobe. It's actually a 25 Piece Capsule Wardrobe if you're going to be technical. I've got 25 wardrobe essentials in five categories, that I've styled into 27 outfits, just for starts. I could have done even more! This capsule wardrobe consists of 24 basic essentials plus one wildcard. You can choose where to plug in your wildcard. You can also change up the number of items in each category, but the general rule of thumb is to have twice as many tops as bottoms.

You can double or triple your outfits, without spending more money, when you learn how to wear what you have. And this works for every size, shape and age.


The 25 Piece Capsule Wardrobe

III. 1.) Style The Clothes You Have In Fresh, New Ways

...Coming in next installment!

And that's the end of the first installment of "Should I Buy That? A Capsule Wardrobe That Will Change Your Life."  In the next installment we'll be sharing with you what all the items are in each category you need to build a capsule wardrobe, plus a few quick and easy style tips that will transform the way you wear your clothes, no matter your age or shape.
We'll also hash out your questions about shopping smart, balancing all the trends & avoiding buyer's remorse. How do you know what to buy? How do you know where to find it? How do you know how much to pay? I'll give you my formula I use to determine what makes the cut for my shoppable guides! Stick with me and I'll show you how to wear what you already have in your closet! And what to buy, where, when you do need something. It's my job.

If you'd like to see the entire series now, plus our exclusive new video of me sharing 3 of my favorite style tips, join our free trial today! 


This works for everyone. There's no judgement; everyone is welcome.

Thank you for visiting. And since it's a new season, I'm bringing you my style and shoppable guides, so check out the Shop to see my Latest Loves, plus all the Guides and posts that are Insider exclusives!




This post may contain affiliate links, including Amazon Services, LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program, and if you click a link or purchase something we have recommended, we may receive a thank you commission from the website. Clicking these links won't cost you any extra money, but does help us keep our site ad free. All the clothes I wear are mine, and are not given to me for any promotional purpose. I buy what I love and wear what I love!


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